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Clearing heat and purging fire Herbal medicine Niuhuang Jiedu Tablets

Our herbal medicine Niuhuang Jiedu Tablets, its predecessor, Niuhuang Jiedu Pill, was a famous formula for clearing heat and detoxifying. It was found in the “General Theory of Throat and Throat Meridian Syndrome” of the Yuan Dynasty, which has been around for more than 800 years. Niuhuang Jiedu Tablets is made of pills modified form, ingredients are: Artificial Cow-bezoan,Realgar, Gypsum, Rhubarb, Baical Skullcap Root, Platycodon Root, Borneol,Liquorice Root, also has more than 60 years of history, It is one of the most common traditional Chinese patent medicines and simple preparations in life because of its good curative effect and wide use.

●National Essential medicine
●National Medical Insurance Class A Medication

Clearing heat and purging fire Herbal medicine Niuhuang Jiedu Tablets Chinese medicine preparation

Our Chinese medicine Niuhuang Jiedu Tablets are produced with Artificial Cow-bezoan,Realgar, Gypsum, Rhubarb, Baical Skullcap Root, Platycodon Root, Borneol, Liquorice Root; as a traditional Chinese medicine ,it has actions to clear heat and remove toxin;Symptom of internally exuberant wind fire, manifested as swollen sore throat, painful gum, mouth and tongue sores, and red painful swollan eyes.

Brief Instructions for Niuhuang Jiedu Tabletss

[Drug name] Niuhuang Jiedu Tabletss
[Approval number] NMPN(national medicine permission number) Z52020124
[Manufacturer] Guizhou Bailing Group Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd
[Functions indications]To clear heat and remove toxin;Symptom of internally exuberant wind fire, manifested as swollen sore throat, painful gum, mouth and tongue sores, and red painful swollan eyes.
[Usage & dosage] Oral, 2 tablets per time (3 tablets in bags per time), twice or three times a day.
[Contraindication] 1.Contraindicated during pregnancy.2. Prohibited for infants and young children.3.Allergy to this product and its ingredients is prohibited.
[Precautions]1. Use with caution for those with weak spleen and stomach, and loose stools.
2. This product contains realgar and should not be overdosed or taken for a long time. There have been reports of arsenic poisoning caused by continuous medication for more than six months.
3. This product should not be taken together with other drugs containing realgar.
4. Patients with severe liver damage should use it with caution: patients with acute or chronic kidney disease should use it with caution.
5. There is no safety research data available for pediatric medication. Prohibited for infants and young children
6. If adverse reactions occur after medication, the medication should be stopped in a timely manner and medical attention should be sought at the hospital.


Niuhuang Jiedu Tabletss mainly applicable

Suitable for symptoms such as toothache, acute conjunctivitis, and skin itching caused by lung heat and stomach fire.

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Niuhuang Jiedu Tabletss mainly applicable

Suitable for symptoms such as toothache, acute conjunctivitis, and skin itching caused by lung heat and stomach fire.

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